
Heaven on Earth Community

Welcome to my world, where I would like to share with you at this place my passion for building conscious communities of the future, the so-called New Earth communities, where sharing a roof over one's head goes hand in hand with common spiritual growth and mutual support.

My desire is to inspire primarily active believers and conscious mature women who long for deeper cooperation and want to create living communities full of understanding and love. Women who want to manifest their Heaven on Earth practically. Will you join me?

How Can I Help You?

My mentoring and therapy combine two areas that support and strengthen each other: spiritual transformation and conscious energy work, and the creation of New Earth community living.

Initial Online Meeting

030 - cohousing

"Making sure you live your life to the fullest"


Cohousing / Coliving 3.0 New Generation of Community Housing

What The Clients Say

“I would like to thank you for the fact that there are people like Zora in the world, who can help with problems that few people understand. They are not tangible. Fortunately, I managed to clear the apartment of the entities that made living difficult for my whole family. At first, I thought that Mrs Zora would do all the “work” and it was a surprise to me that I was part of the process. I never thought it could be so emotional for me. Several times I shed tears from the fate of the souls I “saw”. If you have any problem at the level that Mrs Zora is dealing with, don’t hesitate to contact her! You will be relieved.”

Gabriela Talpova, Brno

“I met Zorka as a cohousing promoter in connection with my housing project, where I want to enable shared housing. We started by cleaning the premises of the old mill from the burdens of history since the 11th century. Some call them ghosts, some entities, but it is certain that we got rid of them thanks to Zorka. From the mill and the ancestors living in it, we got to their descendants, who are reconstructing the mill with me today. They bear as an inheritance the family idea and also the consequences of the tragic events of the Middle Age. Zorka and I were able to find what prevents them from continuing the tradition of …”

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